スライド 64 / 81
ノート :
The Basic Properties screen displays the following information:
_ Status _ The operational mode of your client adapter. If your client adapter is associated to an
Access Point, the name and IP address of the Access Point are also displayed.
Value : “Error retrieving status” _ Your client adapter experienced a communication error
“Card associated” _ Your client adapter is associated to an Access Point
“Card not associated” _ Your client adapter is ready and enabled but not associated to an Access Point
“Card not enabled” _ Your client adapter is ready but not enabled
“Card not configured” _ Your client adapter is not ready and not enabled
_ Radio Status _ Indicates whether your client adapter’s radio is on or off. You can click the Turn Radio On/Off button to turn the radio on or off.
_ Radio ID _ The MAC address of your client adapter
_ Signal Level _ The strength of your client adapter’s radio signal (Range: 0 to 100%)
_ Base Station ID _ The MAC address of the Access Point to which your client adapter is associated